Suggestions for Use
- Each acclet is the equivalent of a lecture for a single accounting lesson.
- Related lessons have been grouped to comprise a "topic". Each topic is roughly equivalent to a chapter in a financial accounting textbook.
- Taken as a collection, financial accounting acclets are a substitute for the lectures typical of a college-level financial accounting course.
- Financial Accounting acclets are NOT textbook-specific (they can be used with most college-level financial accounting texts).
- Except for the accounting cycle (must be covered first) and the statement of cash flows (must be covered last), the rest of the topics can be covered in any order.
- (Within a topic, the acclets should be used in order.)
- Acclets are designed to be used interactively.
- Workpapers are included to facilitate students' participation in the lessons.
- Students should keep one hand on the pause button and use it regularly to:
- formulate answers to the questions posed by the narrator
- to perform calculations
- to take notes
- to complete associated workpapers